The Krumlinde Family

The Krumlinde family dates back to 16th century Holsatia (Holsten) in North Germany . At the time of the Great Nordic War (ca 1700 – 1720) Jochum Krumlinde was a tradesman and shipmaster somewhere at the east coast of Holsatia – according to family tradition he was also a privateer. Jochum Krumlinde died in 1713. His wife and three sons and a couple of grandchildren left their homestead and arrived in Ystad in the south of Sweden in 1724.

Hans Krumlinde, the youngest son of Jochum became a tradesman and shipmaster like his father but his conditions were much more peaceful. When he died in 1775 his estate was valued at 250 000 D:lr Smt – that is "Daler Silfermynt" or silver dollars, if you like. His heirs managed to wipe out this fortune in two generations.

All Swedish members of the Krumlinde family are descendants of Carl-Fredrik Krumlinde (1750 –1819), the youngest son of Hans Krumlinde. But other members of the original family stayed in Holsatia or North Germany in general. Many have emigrated to North America and Australia, both from Germany and Sweden.

Today the Krumlinde family is scattered through Germany, Sweden and the USA, at least. Our web site, being written mostly in Swedish, will be dominated by Swedish material (though, at the moment, there is very little since it barely started), but we will be most happy to learn about the non-Swedish branches of the family. Any information about our family is welcome. Please email